Why I Started to Read This Book: My teacher has a monthly book club. Kids in my class who have similar reading levels and interests meet once a week with my teacher, Mrs. Fleming. They all read the same book and discuss it. For me, the book was Rats of Nimh.
What is it About? This book is about a mouse named Mrs. Frisby. Her child, Timothy, falls sick with pneumonia. The doctor tells her that he will get better but he will still be very weak. If he even breathes in cold air, he will catch pneumonia again and will not get better. But, Moving Day is coming soon. That means that the mice have to move somewhere else to live. The weather is still chilly, though. The doctor asks her to see "The Owl" and he might be able to help with her dilemma. The Owl suggests that she should go to The Rats of NIMH. The Rats are an intelligent society of rats. They say that they can fix her problem.
What Did I Like About This Book? I loved literally everything. There was a lot of suspense. Would Timmy be safe in the end? What would the rats do to help poor Mrs. Frisby? This book was a really good book. The author had one story enclosed inside the other. One story was about Timmy getting sick. The other was about how the rats became smart.
What Didn't I Like About This Book? This book is not a series. The end of the book left me wanting for more. Most books either have a sequel, or it has a very clear ending. This one was different.
Does This Belong On My Cool Lane Or Not? : OF COURSE IT DOES!!!!
Sounds like a very interesting book indeed! I am getting very curious to know what happens at the end :-) love, Baba