Monday, October 7, 2013

The Mystery of the Burnt Cottage

Title: The Mystery of the Burnt Cottage by Enid Blyton

Why I Started to Read This Book: When my mom was my age (8), she used to read this series. She thought it was very funny. She told me that I should read at least one of the books and I would be hooked. Then, my mom reserved this book from the library and we got it and I read it. I thought it was hysterical!

What is it About? It is about five kids and a dog and they solve a mystery that even the local policeman can’t solve. Their names are Fatty, Bets, Pip, Larry, Daisy and Buster is the dog. Bets is Pip’s sister and Daisy is Larry’s sister. Fatty is a friend who lives in the same town. Buster is Fatty’s dog. 

One of their neighbor’s cottage burned down one evening. The five kids and the dog have to find out who burned it down. They use clues (or as Bets calls it - glues) to solve the mystery. They also made a list of suspects and questioned them and ruled them out one by one.
The policeman in the book who also tried to solve the mystery is Mr. Goon and he kept saying, “Clear orf! Clear orf!” instead of “Clear off! Clear off!” to the children. The children named him “Clear Orf” .The person whose cottage was burnt was Mr. Hick and he was sitting with a cup so the children called him Mr. Hiccup. There is also a Mr. Smellie in the book.
What Did I Like About This Book? I like the way the children thought about the clues and suspects. They were very good detectives.

What Didn’t I Like About This Book? I can’t think of anything.

Does This Belong On My Cool Lane Or Not? You'll have to comment and tell me what you think.

Hint: The rest of the books of this series are not available in our library but I am going to ask my aunt to get them for me from India. I can’t wait to read them ALL!