Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Stick Dog

Title: Stick Dog By Tom Watson
Why I Started to Read This Book: I just found it at the JFK Library. I thought it sounded funny. I mainly liked the pictures, not because they were very good, but because they were very funny. For example, if the author drew a tree, it looked like a broccoli. So I decided to borrow the book and read it.
What is it About? It is about a dog called Stick Dog. He and his friends named Poo-Poo the Poodle, (Just so you know, he is not named after –you know– poop. He is named after what he is. Get it? POO-dle) Stripes the Dalmatian, (oh- and in case you were wondering, Stripes is the kind of dog that would look up on a rainy day and say,”Let’s go for a picnic!”) Karen the Dachshund, and Mutt the Mutt(of course!). They all go on an adventure to find delicious hamburgers.
What Did I Like About This Book? The story was funny. A lot of times the dogs got distracted and forgot about the hamburgers. But Stick Dog usually stopped them and got them back on track.
What Didn’t I Like About This Book? The only thing that I did not like was that the book was too short and easy for me. This book was not as long as a Limo, but as short as a Beetle.
Does This Belong On My Cool Lane Or Not? Yeah. Sure–I’ll allow it.