Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Giver

Title: The Giver By Lois Lowry

Why I Started to Read This Book: My mom wanted me to read this book since she had read it and she told me about it. She had really enjoyed it. She thought that I would too. And boy, was she right!

What is it About? This book is about a boy named Jonas. He lives in a “perfect” world. He sees only in black and white so people can’t be racist. They had what they called “Climate Control”. Obviously, they controlled the climate so that people would be safe and there would be no tornadoes, hurricanes, storms etc. So, it never snowed, or it never got too hot. Then one day, Jonas is chosen to be the Receiver of Memory. He finds out about what the real world is like. He feels all sorts of emotions, like love, anger, sadness, loss and hatred. He also feels what war is like. Which would you prefer, Jonas's "perfect" world, or our world with many, many emotions? Read the book to find out more.

What Did I Like About This Book? I liked how it was full of bravery and love. It had suspense. Did they forget to assign a job for Jonas? Did someone make a mistake?

What Didn't I Like About This Book? Nothing. This  book was "perfect".

Does This Belong On My Cool Lane Or Not? People years from now will look at my Cool Lane and think, "This book has been in Adi's Cool Lane for a long time. Back and back and back."