Monday, December 28, 2015

The Phantom Tollbooth

Title: The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster

What is it About?  A boy named Milo sits in his room, bored. He is always bored. He finds a package in his room and he opens it. He puts the contents of the package together. When he puts it together, he makes a car and a tollbooth. He dejectedly gets in the car and drives to the tollbooth. Instantly he is in a magical world where nothing seems to be right. Words are mixed up, sayings have literal meanings, and there is an island called Jumping to Conclusions. How do you get there? Exactly! What you just did! You jumped to the conclusion that to get to Jumping to Conclusions, you have to jump to a conclusion! He also meets a watchdog, Tock, who ticks. This story is about Milo's adventure in this new place.

What Did I Like About This Book? I liked that this book was all over the place. Normally I don’t like when books do that, but this book did it in an organized way.

What Didn't I Like About This Book? I didn’t like that this book had a “The End” sort of feel to it that the teachers are telling us not to use. 

Does This Belong On My Cool Lane Or Not? This book should definitely be on My Cool Lane.

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