Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Title: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling

Why I Started to Read This Book: Every summer I like to read one Harry Potter book. This way, I get older as Harry gets older. This summer I am reading the 3rd book.
I would like to suggest that you should read the 1st and 2nd Harry Potter book before this one.

What is it About? It is about a person named Sirius Black. He escaped the prison of Azkaban. To stop him from getting into Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore put soul-sucking Dementors outside every entrance of Hogwarts. Join Harry, Ron, Hermione and their friends(and maybe enemies) on their 3rd adventure.
What Did I Like About This Book? I like the new spells. My favorite one is Riddikulus - it is so funny.
I also liked reading about Quidditch games, the Patronus(which is a defense against Dementors), Firebolt(which is a REALLY FAST broom...whoosh), and Buckbeak, the hippogriff.
The end was a little bit confusing. (Not a lot, though.)

What Didn’t I Like About This Book?  I almost loved everything BUT...but...but, I didn’t really like the end because I had to read it a couple of times to get what was happening.

Does This Belong On My Cool Lane Or Not? Well, IT BELONGS ON MY COOL LANE because I couldn’t stop reading it and loved it but I wish it was less confusing for me at the end. Once I am slightly older, I might understand that interesting end part better! I really look forward to reading the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th book.

Mischief Managed!
(I REALLY don’t want to tell you what this means because I want to build up the suspense.)


  1. I love Harry Potter books too. It is nice how you made "little bit" very small. I also love how you started and ended the blog... very creative. I am super impressed.

  2. Now I don't need to read all the HP books, I can just read their summaries here - cool! I am glad you read and enjoyed the first 3 books in the series. May be sometime, you can also write your reviews about the first 2 books :-)

    1. I think you should read the books and not just my summaries.
      Love, Adi

  3. Thanks Adi for reviewing this book. I love all the books in the Harry Potter series. Your blog made me want to read them all over again!
    I wish Hogsmeade was a real village. I would have loved to visit Zonko's Joke Shop and Honeydukes.
    I wonder, if I was a witch, what form would my patronus take? Do you know what your patronus looks like?

    1. I also wish Hogsmeade was real. I think your patronus would be a hippo. Hahaha.
