Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Clone Chronicles #1 Popular Clone

Title: The Clone Chronicles #1 Popular Clone by M.E. Castle

Why I Started to Read This Book: I went to the library and found this really cool book. But guess what? It was the 2nd book in the series! I wanted to read the series so I reserved the first book and I read it.

What is it About? It’s about a really smart creative kid named Fisher. He has a flying pig named FP (which stands for Flying Pig). He makes a clone which he calls "Two". They all have to fight evil Dr.X.
What Did I Like About This Book? EVERYTHING!!!!! If I could clone myself like Fisher I'd make him do my homework and ask him to clean up my room. Unlike Fisher, I like school. He has bullies in school which he calls Vikings. There are no bullies allowed in my school.

What Didn’t I Like About This Book?

Does This Belong On My Cool Lane Or Not? DEFINITELY


  1. This is awesome!!

  2. Adi, you rock! Keep up the good work.

  3. Who is evil Dr. X? Is he one of the bullies at Fisher's school?
    Would you recommend reading the series in sequence?

    1. No, he is a completely different person who is evil. The bullies are not nice but they are not as evil as Dr. X. And yes, I recommend reading the books in sequence. There are only two books in the series.
      Love, Adi
